Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

*Foreign Workers (外国人労働者)

●8~10%が、外国人の子ども(Foreign Workers in Japan)


The school master of the school, where I made a speech, told me that 8~10% of its school children are foreigners.


Now we have 800 thousand foreign workers in Japan according to the government statistics, and more we have so-called illegal immigrants.


By the year of 2020, we would have lost 12% workers and suffer from the lack of workers, which might cause a serious social problem. We need foreign workers and we have no choice but welcome them for us.


But there are some problems.


In most cases the come to Japan as “trainees students” but as a matter of fact they are forced to work as a labor with less (in most cases, half) payment. After one year course of training, they meet a test and if the can pass it, they are admitted as a “Worker”, but some of them are fired and forced to go back to their countries.


They say “Japanese are sneaky”. According to the Tiel Standard, issued by USA government, Japan is ranked as a second. Japan is only one country among leading countries of the world because of the lack of legal services and etc.


Also at schools there are few schools which prepares them with special teaching programs for those children. (Only some big schools with a big number of children have special trainers for those children.)


As to the school where I made a speech last time, there is no such a program for those children. Foreign childrens who have no knowledge of the Japanese language are also being taught as a normal children at usual classes. This may cause a kind of teaching troubles as well as to cause to lower the level of education.


We would have more and more aged people together with less and less young people in the near future. We need therefore more and more foreign workers soom and without them Japan would meet the crisis of collapse.


We have only 12 years before the year of 2020. Are we ready?