Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

(38)Mystery of Lines(線の謎)Two Lines make one Spot

【異星人たちは、どうやって位置を決めたか】(38回目) Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations How can they know the Spot to go? Here is the answer. Hiroshi Hayashi++++++はやし浩司 Two Limes make one Spot. One is the Line which shows mainly the direction (so-called "Direction Line" , and another Line shows mainly where to stop. That is to say that so-called "Stop Line" fixes the Spot. This is the video which explains about the two Lines, which wrok in combination and show the Spot. Aliens are very clever! 2本の線が1つの点を決めます。古代文明を築いた異星人たちは、この2本の線を使って、位置を決め、また目的の場所へ行くことができました。 1本は主に方向を示し、もう1本は、「ストップ・ライン」です。 今まで調べた、すべての場所が、どれもこの2本の直線で場所が決まりました。 Hiroshi Hayashi++++++はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi++++++はやし浩司 (古代文明 謎の古代文明 古代文明の謎 異星人の地図 異星人 宇宙人 謎の点と線 Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations Mystery of two lines Stop Line Direction Line 方向を示す線 停止を意味する線 古代文明の謎解き Mystery of Lines and Spots Sep 18th 2012 Japan はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi) 2012/09/18記 Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Sep. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司