Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mystery of Indian Head in Canada (カナダのインディアンの頭の謎)

(51)Mystery of Indian Head, Canada インディアンの頭の謎by Hiroshi Hayashi p15 There is a beautiful carving in Canada, called "Indian Head". Some people say that this is just a look like but I never hesitate to say that this was carved by someone else than humans, or Aliens. Here I show the evidence and I believe you may accept the fact and you will become convinced of it, too. What is he looking at? Why is he there? You will know the answer. Open your mind and accept the facts and then you will know more about yourselves. Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan カナダカナダに「インディアンの頭」と呼ばれる、すばらしい彫刻があります。 このビデオはそれについてのものです。 まさに謎の頭・・・と書きたいところですが、謎でも何でもありません。 さあ、あなたも心を開いて、そこにある事実を受け入れてみませんか。 私たち人間だけが、「知的動物?」と考えるほうが、おかしいのです。 今回で、その証明も、51回目になります。 img836 Indian Head Canada Mystery of Ancient Civilizations 古代文明の謎 謎の古代文明 カナダ インディアンの頭 はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan Indian's in North America ミステリー