72 Mysterious Lines of Ancient Times (Guidance Edition)
72 謎の点と線(入門編)byはやし浩司(mysterious Lines of Ancient Times) ○まだ、私を疑っている人たちへ 謎の点と線の入門版です。私の説を疑っている人はおおいですね。 そういうひとたちのために、入門版を用意しました。 This is a guidance video for those who are skeptical about what I have been talking. If you are so, please give me 5 minutes, and then you will understand what I am talking. Oct. 16th 2012 (Japanese Version 日本語版) http://youtu.be/1U0YqBbagVg (English Version 英語版) 72 English Version This is a guidance video about mysterious Lines of Ancient Times. You will know about the mysterious world of Lines which connect ancient ruins and remains of the world. I take in this video three ancient cities and I have examined the Lines between them. What is important for you is just examined these facts by yourselves then you will know what I have been talking is correct. These are NOT conincidences, I am sure. Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan No one is allowed to use my ideas without my permission and my name, for which I thnak you for your cooperation. Oct 17th 2012, Japan http://youtu.be/0Oi3PEDTZRQ (Teotihuacan Nazca Mohenjodaro Moehenjodaro Giza 謎の点と線 Mystery of Ancient civiiizations 古代文明の謎 謎の古代文明 入門編 はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi Guidance video mysterios lines of ancient cultures Mystery of Teotihuacan Mohenjodaro Moehenjodaro Mohenjo-daro Meejodaro Giza Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan Mystery of Teotihuacan Mexico謎の点と線 はやし浩司 2012/10/17記) Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Oct. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司
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