91 ナスカの地上絵の謎
91 地上絵の謎
(Mystery of Line Pictures in Cerne Abbas
Giant, Blythe Intaglios, Nazca)
The mystery is that Line Pictures were
drawn in the same way in Nazca, USA and England, which is 6800km and 10200km
away from each other.
I explain how they did it, taking an
example of Cern Abbas Giant in Englan.
All copyrights belong to Hiroshi Hayashi
and no one is allowed to use my ideas without my personal pemission for which I
thank you for your cooperation.
2012-11-08 はやし浩司
(Cerne Abbas Giant Mystery of Giant Picture
in Cerne Abbas サーン・アッバスの巨人 サーン・アバスの巨人 はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi Mystery of Ancient civilizations Mystery of Line
Pictures in Nazca Blythe Intaglios in USA Line Pictures in Nazca ナスカの地上絵の謎 Nasca Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu japan)
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Nov. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司
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