異星人の残した地図(2)Mystery of Aliens' Map
【異星人たちの地図帳】(Aliens' Map 2) Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations
This is Video No 25 which follows after 24, in which I explain about the Alien's Map, or God's Map. In No 25 I try to find out the Datum Point. The Point is very important, since all other points are fixed where they are. Then I come to a conclusion that Giza is the one at this moment. What do you think about this? All ideas belong wholely to Hiroshi Hayashi, Hamamatsu Japan and no one is allowed to use my ideas without my name and credit, for which I thnak you. Sep. 7th 2012
(古代文明 超古代文明 古代文明の謎 謎の古代文明 Ancient Civilization Mystery of Alien's Map 異星人の地図 神の地図 神々の地図 Mysteries of Lines and Angles Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan はやし浩司 浜松市 角度の謎 (はやし浩司 家庭教育 育児 教育評論 幼児教育 子育て Hiroshi Hayashi 林浩司 BW はやし浩司 幼児教室 育児 教育論 Japan はやし浩司)2012/09/07記
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Sep. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司
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