Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Root of Japan, Ise/ Nintoku? or Izumo?

133 日本人のルーツ、日本のルーツ(仁徳か、伊勢か、出雲か?)


The Root of Japan and the Japanese


Which one of them you think is the root of Japan, Nintoku, Ise or Izumo?

Here is the answer about this mystery with evidence.






はやし浩司育,教育,林 浩司,林浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,幼児教育、教育評論,幼児教育評論,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi,浜松,浜松市,幼児教室,幼児教育,教育評論,謎の点と線)



Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Dec. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司