172C+171 Mystery of Atacama Giant, and the
Aliens’ Map(修正+加筆版)
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
First THEY devide the planet, called “the
earth” into 160 A.u.. 1 A. unit is equivalent to 250km for human-beings. But remember
that in the space there are hundreds and hundreds of planets near the earth,
each of each has a different size in circumference and diameter.
Then THEY need a different type of distance
unit like this. And please also remember that there is no east&west,
north&south, or up, down, right and left. Some planets have no daytime or
night time. Then THEY use the ! Aliens Unit”, which
I show in this video.
(172C 修正+加筆版 English Edition)
Plese enjoy this video for further
knowledge of the Space Travellers.
(日本語版)Japanese Language Version for
Japanese-speaking people
(英語版)English Language Version
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司
When we fix the unit of length, 1 Aliens
Unit=250km (human-beings’ Unit, we can explain the size of the earth with much
simpler numbers. For example the circumference of the earth is just 160 Alien
Unit, and it can be devided into 80,40.20.10 and 5. And also 160 is almost
equivalent to 3.14x50, which indicates that we can calculate the diameter of
the earth without complicated calculations. Moreover when we see this earth
from the space on the icosahedron Map THEY use, it is much easier to say the
distances when we use Aliens’ unit. Remember that this earth is just only one
of the numberless planets in the space. The Atacama Giant has taught me about
this fact. This is the story about it.
250kmを、1エイリアン・ユニット(以下、1A Unit)とすると、地球の円周は、160Aユニットになります。(直径は、50Aユニットになります。)160は、3.14(=π)の50倍です。つまり宇宙から見たときの地球の大きさを、わかりやすい数字で表現することができます。さらに正20面体地図をつかうとき、便利です。(何度も説明してきましたが、エイリアンは、正20面体地図を使用しています。)地球上の距離を、10Aユニット、20Aユニット、40Aユニットというように、表現できます。いつか人間も宇宙で生活するようになったとき、この単位は、とても便利です。どの惑星でも、即座に、その距離を正確に表現できるようになります。アタカマの巨人は、そんなことも、私に教えてくれました。
The distance between Giza and Atacama Giant
is 12000km and when we devide the distance with 48(the number of the lines,
which the Atacama Giant’s head indicates), 1 A Unit is equivalent to 250km. Of
course this is my hypothesis but it can explain the actual size of the earth
much better and more simply.
1A Unit=250km、です。
I mean here that 1 Aliens Unit is
equivalent to 250km.
Please remember that no one can use my
ideas shown here in this video in any case without my permission and names for
which I need your cooperation.
Hiroshi Hayashi
Jan. 25th 2013
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++Jan.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司
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