The more we are criticized, the more we become less sensitiveness.
To live in such a complicated society, we often need to be more “less-sensitiveness” about things around us. A book “Less Sensitiveness” written by Junichiro Watanabe is one of the best sellers in Japan.
When I was to start writing in my blogs about me, I was very sensitive and nervous about what other people say and think about me. But soon afterwards I became to care about them less and less and now I really don’t care about them.
Just refer to Yahoo’s Search Engine to look up about me, then you will know that some people are writing about me very badly. They belong to a Sect or Cult and I am sure that they are not “normal” in brain-system.
I am writing about me as I am with my real name, Hiroshi Hayashi. My name is very common in japan and it’s estimated about 3000 people in Japan have the same names as mine. Therefore I write my name half in Hirakana and half in Chinese Characters.
Also I have been writing HAYASHI in hirakana when teaching very young kids. This is the reason why I use hirakana to write my name.
At the beginning, I needed some kind of courage to write about me as I am. To write about me as I am often means to make enemies around me, enemies who dislike me to write about them.
Then I needed “less-sensitiveness”.
The more I write about me, the more I become “less-sensitiveness”. I have become less sensitive about people around me whatever they say and how they criticize about me. It may be a kind of “Escape from real world”, but sometimes we need it to live in this world.
I care, however, until recently about those relatives and people whom I know well. Some of them read my articles and they let other people know what I am writing, saying, “Hiroshi is writing about you” or something like this. This may make other people uncomfortabale or sometimes may offend them.
It is a taboo to write about them with real names or criticize them with real names for their dignity. Then I write things, changing names and situations. This is a common sense which we should put into our mind when we write something. Otherwise it would cause some unexopected troubles, which I should avoid.
But still then the more we are criticized, the more we become “less-sensitiveness”.
This article just has reminded me of the strange dancings which we did at the end of Edo period. I collect hereby the article I wrote about the strange dancing.
●ええじゃないか(Don’t care dancing)
In 1867, toward the end of Edo Period of japan, there occurred a strange and funny danncings in Nagoya and places around Nagoya, called “E-jyanaika”, which literally means “we don’t care.”
Then beginning of the dancing started when shrine-papers came down from the sky but it was a kind of rumour.
People started dancing crazily, shouting, “E-janaika””E-jyanaika”.
People raushed into wealthy houses and took out money and food as they like and the wealthy people gave money and food as they wanted. Women wore men’s clothes and vice versa.
This funny dancing spread from Nagoya to other places such as Tokyo(Edo) Yokohama,Shizuoka, Kyoto and Nisino-miya. They slept in other people’s houses as they like and when they woke up they started dancing again.
Some historian explains this dancing as a kind of anti-government movement but I don’t agree to this. In those days people were too obedient to think about the political regime.
This dancing worked partially as a movement in accordance with the movement of anti-government movement. But just think that this dancing occurred in Nagoya, not in Kyoto and Tokyo.
People might have a lot of complainmets agaist the Government but they did not know how to solve the problem with no knowledge. As I write here they were so obedient that they have no idea but to dance crazily.
What I think about this funny as well as crazy dancing is that they started it to
Escape from the real world of living or desperately, thinking, “we don’t care about this world but we hane another one after we die.”
このええじゃないかが、幕末の話でないことは、映画化もされ、また日本各地で、イベントとして再現されていることでもわかる。「これこそ日本人のやさしさ」と美化する動きさえある。しかし本当にそうか? そうあってよいのか? 「今」という現実を直視するのが苦手な日本人が、現実逃避の新たなる手段として利用しているとも考えられるのだが、皆さんはどう考えるだろうか。
This dancing was filmed as a movie and some people take this dancing as a symbol of the gentleness of the Japanese people, but I don’t think so. At least this is not a beautiful story we can praise. They just wanted to escape from the real world into a fantasy.
(はやし浩司 家庭教育 育児 育児評論 教育評論 幼児教育 子育て はやし浩司 ええじゃないか)
Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++DEC 07++++++++++はやし浩司
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