Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Friday, September 07, 2012


Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations(古代文明の謎の点と線)(26号&27号)

●Sigiriya (Sri Lanka)(26)&Borobudur(Indonesia)(27)

Lines around Preah Vihear and Angkor Wat are always disturbed and disarranged which annoys me a lot. But I have found that the Line from Dunhuang to Borobudur makes 60 degrees from Dunhuang and Dunhuang, Angkor Wat (Or Preah Vihear) and Borobudur are on the same straight Line.



(Borobudur Mystery of Borobudur Angkor Wat Preah Vihear ボロブドゥール 謎 ミステリー Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations 謎の古代文明 古代文明 超古代文明 アンコールワットの謎 謎のアンコールワット 謎の点と線 Mysterious Line from Dunhuang to Borobudur Indonesia Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan)

Sigiriya itself is a great mystery. This is a short story of Sirigiya, Sri Lanka.


(スリランカ シリギヤ シリギア Sirigiya Sri Lanka Sli mystery of Ancient Covilization 古代文明 超古代文明 古代文明の謎 謎の古代文明 謎の点と線 線と点 謎 ミステリー スリランカの謎 Mystery Hiroshi Hayashi Hamamatsu Japan はやし浩司 古代文明の点と線)

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++++Sep. 2012++++++はやし浩司・林浩司