Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


237 エルバス山(ゾロアスター教の聖地)の謎

Mount Elbrus, the holiest mountain for Zoroasrianism



The oldest religion for humans on this earth is Zoroastrianism and its holiest mountain is Mount Elbrus. This is the story about it. Also I’d like to talk a little about the Bosnian Pyramids, the largest pyramids in the world. It is older than 25000~26000 years. 




Aliens had close connection with Zoroasrianism, which is shown now in Nazca.This is Hiroshi Hayashi’s Nazca Theory.



No one is allowed to use my Nazca Theory in any case without my permission and my name.



Hiroshi Hayashi

March 24th 2013



Elbrus,Mt.Elbrus,Mount Elbrus,Bosnian Pyramid,ボスニアン・ピラミッド,エルブラス山,エルブラス,ゾロアスター教,Zoroastrianism,Mystery of Elbrus,Nazca,Nazca Lines, Line Pictures,Mystery of Japan,謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司



Hiroshi Hayashi+++++March.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司