Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Monday, March 11, 2013


224 We, humans, have been cheated by Aliens(人間はエイリアンに騙されている)


エイリアンが作ったガンダーラ仏(Buddha carved by Aliens and its Evidence)

疑惑の仏像・神と仏の物的証拠・精査検証版(Physical Evidence of God and Buddha)






左右対称ということはわかりますが、乱数をかけているため、一方の髪の毛が、太さ1~2ミリというのもあります。しかも両側の太い髪の毛に隠されている! こういう無駄な対称にこだわったのは、まさにコンピューターによるものだからです。どうかその事実を、ご自身でご確認ください。




(Venus in Milo and Buddha in Gandhara were made with the same date bases of CAD. Here in this video I show you another example (replica) of the statue found in Gandhara. That is to say that God in Ancient Greece and Buddha in Gandhara were Aliens. This is the evidence!)





Give me some of your time and watch this video. And then the world you know will be changed. And also you will know what I have been talking in these series of videos are correct and true. Because these are FACTS! Venus in Milo, Standing Buddha in Gandhara and Buddhist Saint in Chuguji-Temple were made (not created by humans) by aliens, whom we call “God” or “Guddha”. Here in this video, I show you the real physical evidences of them, or fingerprints of God and Buddha, or Aliens. You can verify these facts by yourselves in this video. You may think of me to be out of mind. If I had been you 8 months ago, I would have had the same impressin as you have now. But after some minutes of your time, you will know that the history of the world have been out of mind. I promise here.






These facts have been all found by Hiroshi Hayashi, and no one is allowed to use my knowledge and theories in any case without my permission and names. At this moment (March 12th  2013), I have allowed no one to use my ideas. Thank you for your attention.


Hiroshi Hayashi

March 12th, 2013




March 1th 2013


Gandhara,doubts about statues in  Gandhara,ガンダーラ,ガンダーラの仏像,釈迦立像,ミロのビーナス,ミロのヴィーナス,ギリシャ彫刻,謎のガンダーラ,ギリシア彫刻,謎の彫刻,Mystery of Greece,Mystery of Ancient Greece,宇宙人の物的証拠,はやし浩司,Hiroshi Hayashi, Vinus in Milo,Standing Buddha in Gandhara,ガンダーラの釈迦立像,Greek sculptures, Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,中宮寺,弥勒,菩薩,弥勒菩薩,半跏思惟像,異星人,コンピューター製造,D,異星人,物的証拠,神の指紋仏の指紋,Mirokubosatu,Buddhist ,Saintcomputer-made Venus,



Hiroshi Hayashi+++++March.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司