Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

*The Principle of the Democracy

●民主主義の原点(The Principle of the democracy?)



(Should the people be existed before the government?
Or should the government be existed before the people?)


In Japan we think people are existed because the government is existed.
But this is not a common sense of the world.


Here I introduce Thomas Paine’s artcle about the Democracy.


Thomas Paine said it best.

“It has been thought,” he wrote in The Rights of Man in 1791, “…that government is a compact between those who govern and those who are governed; but this cannot be true, because it is putting the effect before the cause; for as man must have existed before governments existed, there necessarily was a time when governments did not exist, and consequently there could originally exist no governors to form such a compact with. The fact therefore must be, that the individuals themselves, each in his own personal and sovereign right, entered into a compact with each other to produce a government: and this is the only mode in which governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist.”




(In Japan, even still now many people think that we can exist because the government existes before people. Similarly at the same time families can exist because the “House” exists before the families. And also children can exist because Parents exist before the children. Take up “Family Suiside”.)

死にたければ親だけが死ねばよい。子どもを巻き添えにするとは、卑怯だ! 子どもには子どもの人生がある。命がある。

(Why should children be involved in the Family Suicide in Japan? If you want to kill yourself, you only kill yourself. Don’t get children be involved in the Family Suicide in any case, since children themselves have right to live and life and the right to exisit?)


(Also as the the “House”, we are not living in the world of feudal age called “Edo-Period” and therefore it may be stupid for each member of the families sacrifice for the house. Moreover the government can exist because we, the people, exist before the government. This is the principle of the democracy.)

それとも日本は、今、この場に及んで、王政復古を成し遂げようとしているのか? 「武士道こそ、日本が誇るべき、精神的根幹である」と説く人がいる。そういった内容の本が、100万部単位で売れている。

(Or are we about to repeat again the Restoration? It is very sad thing to know that more people worship the Knight-ship (Samurai soldiers) and their spitits, saying “This is Japan”,. Millions of books on this are being sold in Japan.)

それはそれで結構なことだが、封建時代の負の側面、負の遺産に目をくれることなく、一方的に武士道なるものを礼賛するのも、どうか? こうした動きは、むしろ、民主主義の後退を招くだけ。

(We should pay attention also together on the dark side of the feudal age and its spitits at the same time when we worship them. Or it would slow down the pace of Democracy.)


(Here again we would like to make sure what Thomas Paine writes in the “The Rights of Man”.