●Dec 7th 2007
●戦国自衛隊(Japanese Soldiers who made a time-slip to the feudal war time)
I just had a time to see a Japanese film named “Japanese soldiers in feudal war time”, about soldiers who made a time-slip to the feudal war time in fifteenth century.
The movie was a kind of one that I couldn’t bear to see. Or I felt as if I had lost one hour in vain for the movie.
The story is; another team of Japanese army soldiers are sent to the past again to rescure the former soldiers who went to the past first by accident.
During these two years the former soldiers who went to the past first, had killed Nobunaga and changed the history.
開発していた! いわく、「日本を強大な
Also the former soldiers had developed weapons which is as powerful as nuclear ones and the leader said, “we would make Japan much stronger and reconstruct Japan.”
One thing that I don’t like about Japanese films is that Japanese actors and actresses act as they acted Kabuki plays. Too much exaggerations with meaningless explanations in their talking, which make me dull.
I borrowed another film named “Japan-Sinking”, which is about the huge earthquake that attacks Japan. The earthquake destroys whole Japan.
According to the Korean newspapers, this film was well-reputed in Korea and some children asked their parents when Japan would sink down into the sea.
It is not at all a funny film for us, Japanese, but I will try to see it a bit.
I feel sorry about my poor English. My ability in English has become worse every year since I seldom have chances to use it. But I will keep writing in English, wishing some day I can write it in better way. Until then please be generous. (Or I am writing poor English to make you laugh and be happy. So please laugh if you wish. I don’t care. But please keep it in your mind that my Japanese I write is the first-class one. You may trust me.)
●涙、ホロリ(Drops of tears)
昼ご飯を食べた。そのあと、コタツの I had my lunch. After that I slipped into
中で、横になった。寒気を感じた。 A Kotatsu. I felt a shivering.
寝室へ行き、ふとんにもぐった。 I went to the bedroom and lay down.
そのときのこと。涙が、ホロリとこぼれた。Then some drops of tears came to my eyes.
このところ何かにつけて、自信がない。 I sometimes lose confidence in some way these days.
風邪がつづいて、気力が落ちている。 I have had a cold and am weak in mind.
「この先、だいじょうぶだろうか?」と I just happened to think “Am I all right?”
思ったとたん、涙が、ホロリとこぼれた。No sooner had I thought so, than some drops of
tears did come down.
体を丸めて、目を閉じた。涙は止まったが、I held my body like a sleeping cat
さみしかった。 I closed my eyes and tears were stopped. I felt lonely.
腰が痛かった。足が冷えた。軽い頭痛。 I had a aching around the waist, cold feet and
しばらくすると、夢を見た。 A slight headache. Then I started having a
うれしかった。眠ったのだと、自分で、I felt relaxed. I could make sure that I could
わかった。 Sleep.
時計を見ると、午後2時。 I saw a watch. It showed “2 o’clock”.
仕事のしたくをした。 I made myself ready for my work.
そのまま外に出た。歩いた。街まで歩いた。I went out. I walked. I walked to the city.
距離は7キロ。 7 kilometers to the city.
まだまだ負けたくない。 I don’t like to give up.
まだまだ現役でいたい。 I want to be as I have been.
軽い汗をかく。体がほてる。 I had a slight sweat. I felt hot.
ウィンドウに映った自分の姿が、どこか Me on the show-windows looked like an old man,
ジジ臭い。 A miserable old man.
背筋を伸ばす。足をまっすぐ前にのばす。I stretched my body up. I walked with more
力を入れて歩く。 Power on my steps.
あの涙は、何だったのか? What were the tears I saw on the bed?
歩きながら、ふと、そんなことを考えた。I just thought about it on the way.
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