Dec 8th *Taiwan Strait *Kosovo *Tokyo
●今朝のニュースから(Herald Tribune紙より、12月8日・Dec 8th)
Ships are not supposed to turn on a dime, especially American aircraft carriers that travel in large convoys.
But that's exactly what happened with the USS Kitty Hawk as it approached Hong Kong for a long-scheduled Thanksgiving visit.
Hours before the ship was to dock, with the families of many of the crew members having flown to Hong Kong for reunions, the Chinese authorities notified the U.S. Navy that permission to dock had been revoked.
Surprised by the measure but eager to salvage something of the holiday, the Kitty Hawk made a quick U-turn and steamed toward Japan, saving time and returning China's slight by sailing through the narrow Taiwan Strait, which the United States regards as international waters but China claims as its own.
Before the battle group had reached that point, though, the Chinese authorities radioed again announcing a change of mind: for "humanitarian reasons," the Kitty Hawk would be welcome after all.(Herald Tribune)
“One touch to explode” is our saying. But similar accident would be occurred between USA and China, especially Taiwan Strait. So the Strait is called “Powder Magazine”in Asia.
Even still in the worst critical situation, USA would not fight agaist China directly in Korea Peninsula but things are different in the Taiwan Strait. Once they have started a war, the war would invole Japan as well as USA and China.
Would not be a calm Panda anymore, for its military presence has been forced very rapidly these years.
ライス国務長官は、金曜日、コソボの未来に関する、国際的な外交交渉は、行き詰まった(a dead end)と確信した。コソボの新しい首相は、コソボは、来年はじめまで、セルビアからの独立を求めないということらしい。
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice affirmed Friday that international negotiations over the future of Kosovo had reached a dead end, even as its likely new prime minister said that Kosovo would not seek independence from Serbia until early next year.
After a meeting of NATO foreign ministers here, Rice indicated that diplomacy had been exhausted and that Washington was ready to move to the next phase.
同じ記事には、「コソボは、NATOの裏庭(Back Yard)」とある。NATOは、コソボ問題には、無関心ではいられないという意味らしい。
In other part of the article, it says, “Kosovo is the backyard of EU”, which means EU can not remain indifferent from the problems of Kosovo.
But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice affirmed Friday that international negotiations over the future of Kosovo had reached a dead end.
Behind this dead end, there is a strong influence of Russia against EU including USA. Then Rice indicated the USA will move to the next phase. We don’t know what the next phase is.
This is my very personal impression about Rice, but I think Rice is too much USA-type rationalist and she believes herself it is the justice as well as it is the standard of the world. She is always fond of making things clear, YES or NO. There is no “between” for her. Sometimes she seems to be fanatical to her belief.
But as far as I just guess about the affairs around the world especially in Asia, it is NOT the standard, which she may not be able to understand.
●住みやすくなった東京(Tokyo‘s peace behind the glitter)
These days, years of low inflation and a healthy exchange rate mean that Tokyo is far cheaper than it used to be and often astonishingly good value. The streets are safe, the restaurants consistently excellent and the transport system the most efficient of any major city. The service is outstanding, as is the attention to detail - whether it's in the presentation of food or gift wrapping in shops. Even the most critical travellers are likely to be charmed by the courtesy they encounter.
Leaving Japan is like emerging from a cosy cocoon into a harsh, brusque world. Well-heeled foreign residents, frankly, have the best of all worlds: the low crime, the good food and service and the high standard of living, without the social and family obligations that the Japanese often wish to escape from.
There are certain irritations - limited green space being one - but overall they are a small price to pay to live in this unique city. The Tokyo region is vast, with a population of 12.5 million people, or 10 per cent of Japan's total population.
It is a 2,187-square-kilometre prefecture of its own, comprising 23 special wards, 26 cities, five towns and eight villages. Tokyo proper (the central district of 23 wards) is a mystery in some ways. Just how has an industrialized city of 8.5 million people, with the highest population density in Japan, come to where it is today without suffering all the usual social ills, the crime and inefficiency, of urban living? Long may it remain so.
●日本のよさ(good aspect of Japan)
I feel often to be choked because of too much rules and restrictions in Japan. Numberless threads tie us up too tight to move.
But foreigners living in Japan, especially temporary visitors to Japan can not see the things inside Japan. And most possibly they would say “Japan is a nice country”.
Let’s me take an example, saying, country people looks generous to urban people when urban people come into country side. But “Seeing and living are quite different things”. For urban people it is almost impossible to live in together with country people or they are rejected to live in.
I have an impression after reading this article, that, Japan may be a good country for those who come to Japan as visitors or who live in Japan as foreigners. But it is not everything.
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