Learning ability of school children in Japan
●学力低下(Learning Ability of Japanese students)
The result of "student's ability of learning", which made 15 countries, 15 years old and about 400thousand students done by OECD is announced on Dec. 5th 2007.
According to the result, Japanese the 1st grade (15 years old) in the high school was compared with 2003 last time, and reading comprehension ability was downed from the 15th from the 14th.
The mathematical application ability was the 10th from the sixth prize.
The science application ability was downed in the sixth from the second prize, too.
All decreases in the execution in 3 fields .
It became clearer that the learning abiluity of Japanese students have been downed in three fields.
●世界の子どもたちの学力(learning Ability of the youth of the wrorld)
(読解力)(Reading Ability)
1位 韓国(Korea)
2位 フィンランド(Finland)
3位 香港(Hong-Kong)
15位 日本(Japan)
(数学的応用力)(Math Application)
1位 台湾(Twaiwan)
2位 フィンランド(Finland)
3位 香港(Hong-Kong)
10位 日本
(科学的応用力)(Science Application)
1位 フィンランド(Finland)
2位 香港(Hong-Kong)
3位 カナダ(Canada)
6位 日本(Japan)
I talked about this result to some six kids of Grade 5th of school. They started talking about themselves.
With my surprise I know two of them are reading 300 books per year. Almost one book a day!
I asked them why you read so many books a year and one of them told me that there is a class-competition of reading. Moreover I was surprised to know that one of them is limitied to read books less than an hour a day!
Reading is essential and we say in Japanese “reading is the pillar of education”. As for socioloy and scienace, they are only parts of reading.
But it is not all.
Those kids who read books in their daily life look different from those who do not. Those kids who read more books have a kind of a very special mood and they give us an impression of deep-thinking. They are more logical and even when we do our conversation, they always try to observe things around them.
It is no use to say that reading is so important. In western world, reading is one of the most important subject to learn. School education starts from reading and it is everything.
On the contrary there are some who do not read books at all. This type of kids also have a kind of special mood. They are “light” in thinking and we feel no deepness in their thoughts just like TV talents of cheap varaiety programs. They talk a lot. The difference comes clear when they are about the age of thre grade 5th.
And also there are some who write things in their daily life. They are more logical and when they talk they use more proper words to express themselves. Reading and writing are the “pillar” of education, I am quite sure.
(はやし浩司 家庭教育 育児 育児評論 教育評論 幼児教育 子育て はやし浩司 Hiroshi Hayashi education essayist writer Japanese essayist reading writing learning ability of the Japanese students)
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