Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

*To Ms. Rice and Mr. C. Hill

To Ms. C. Rice and Mr. C. Hill,(ライス氏とヒル氏へ)

According to this morning newspaper issued on June 26th, you mentioned that USA will not ignore the kidnappings by North Korea and will not forget about it. But should we say thank you for that?

The answer is NO! Both of you have already betrayed Japan so much and now again. Whatever you say, it sounds just vacant, since nothing has been solved by YOU. What you have done is just to give North Korea, time, money, oil and music. What did you receive? What did we receive? Mr. Fukuda, our Prime Minister of Japan has to start negotiating with G. Bush directly over these two pro-North Korean secretaries.

Ms. C. Rice and Mr. C. Hill, how much do you know about Asia and Asians? Here in Asia your American rationalism is not useful about everything. When you cancel the punishment toward North Korea, North Korea will get more reluctant to solve the problems of kidnappings. North Korea will try to cheat you again. Why can’t you know such an easy matter?

I know both of you have families inside USA, but when one of them is kidnapped by someone, what would you say? What would you do? We have been cheated by North Korea over and over again. Now you are about to be cheated too. Kim Jong Il is not such a person but only a tyrant, who have killed more than 200 thousand people inside his own country.

We. the Japanese, have been very much disappointed by USA as well as by YOU.

Hiroshi Hayashi, Hamamatsu, Japan June 25th, 2008



今まであなたがたは、さんざん日本を裏切っておきながら、今さら、こんな言葉はない。あなたがたのしたことは、北朝鮮に、時間と金と原油と、音楽を与えただけ。その結果、あなたがたは、何かを受け取ったのか? 日本は何かを受け取ったのか?



