Education in Front-Line and Essays by Hiroshi Hayashi (はやし浩司)

(Mr.) Hiroshi Hayashi, a professional writer who has written more than 30 his own books on Education, Chinese Medical science and Religion in Japan. My web-site is: Please don't hesitate to visit my web-site, which is always welcome!!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

1945, two years before I was born

 If it is called 1945, it is the year from which the atom bomb was dropped to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

 As for men with a radius of less than 500m, according to record, 95% or more dies instantly in Hiroshima. The dead and a missing person are 250,000 persons. It is said that the mushroom cloud arrived even in height of no less than 17,000m after atom bomb dropping.

 August 6, this day, and Hiroshima are the weather which even a cloud does not have. What reason and the air-raid alarm currently taken out past and at once [ 8:00 a.m. and ] is called off. it was heard and people returned to usual morning work -- the atom bomb exploded then exactly 570m in the sky of Hosoe-cho (present Otemachi) in the city (explosion)

 It is an army colonel's ティベッツ to have commanded bombing. having carried in B29 and "エノラゲイ" -- an uranium bomb It is a bomb equivalent to 20,000t of TNT gunpowder.

 が and an army, i.e., the Imperial Headquarters, did not tell people about this fact. There is no tragedy beyond this for が and a Japanese. An atom bomb will be dropped shortly in Nagasaki on following the 9th continuing.

 Why was the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Was it dropped? If it was only display of might, even if it dropped nothing to Hiroshima or Nagasaki, there must also have been a method of for example making it explode by the peace on the ocean near Japan. The center of Tokyo Bay was sufficient. Even if that was not right, then, already, as for the inside of Japan, it is the carpet bombing by the U.S. Forces, and most had become the burned field.

 It was [ which cannot but do so ] reasonable even if it made it が and the United States (?).

 July 17 in front of going back atom bomb dropping of Hiroshima, and about 20 days. Three persons, Truman, Churchill, and Truman, are discussing processing in Potsdam after the war. Based on the contents of the Potsdam talk, so-called "Potsdam Proclamation" is made after it (July 26).

 The contents pressed Japan for unconditional surrender. が and the Japanese government announce this "ignores" (July 28).

 The following tragedy occurs here.

 In the meaning "they are not YES or NO, either", although the Japanese government used the word "disregard", this is English and he was translated as "IGNORE (disregard)." And only the language applied and traveled the inside of the world.

 If it is those who have studied a little English, it should turn out how the word "IGNORE" is severe. Also in an everyday conversation, if the word "IGNORE" comes out, the feeling of strain used as the pin will run. The shock merely given to a partner rather than "NO" only is strong. The word "IGNORE" is such a word.

 Then, the United States dropped the atom bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki according to Potsdam Proclamation and the 13th clause. It is in the 13 clause like this.

 Unless "Japan surrenders unconditionally, only quick and perfect annihilation ある is with ".

 Most, from it or before, since dropping of an atom bomb was prepared carefully, Potsdam Proclamation is also considered to have built the excuse of atom bomb dropping. However, as a flow, it was connected to ->(Potsdam Proclamation) (Japan ignores) -> (atom bomb dropping).

 And Japan looks at atom bomb dropping and accepts unconditional surrender to the Allies. It is a thing on August 15. It is a thing before bearing me (two years and two months).

 coming out -- after it and "-- bearing -- 難き -- bearing .... the Japan side follows [ the 玉音 broadcast (August 15 noon) by the Emperor well known for ", and MacArthur ] an instrument of surrender with a sign (September 2) on arrival (August 30) and U.S. Forces warship Missouri on the Atsugi base

 Meanwhile, although hardly known in Japan, the journalist from Australia who looked at the tragic state of Hiroshima is writing such a report to the daily express company in Britain ("the 20th century and front record").

 "In Hiroshima of 30 days after, a man dies still more and it dies. It dies depending on what thing no other way is but that to describe [ that it was unhurt ] of an atom bomb it is.

 (Aspect of Hiroshima) It seems that the steamy roller of 怪物 size goes past, and it erased and destroyed completely to broken pieces. .... I looked at the most fearful desolation that should shiver by this eye during [ for four years ] the war at the experimenting space of the beginning of this atom bomb.

 the battlefield of (if compared with this) Pacific Islands -- Eden -- a garden -- it is a thing

 From the moment that this desolation is brought, the survivor hated the white. The violence of the hatred is not inferior to boiling 原爆そ." (bar チェット journalist)

 The word "no-More ヒロシマ" was produced from his mouth.

 In this way, the history moves every moment. However, it brings me wonderful feeling simultaneously. It is the feeling to which the past approaches itself.

 I am born in two more years and two months. I am born in two more years and one month with .... However, I did not know such fact at all. It did not feel. Since it was not in mother's interior of the womb, either, in the time, I will say that it was "nothing."

 Present I am not me supposing the sperm which built "me" is not a sperm of "me." Present I am not me supposing the ovum which built "me" is not an ovum of "me." the present "I" is me -- 1/several 100 million -- the -- it is the probability of 1/several 100 million again, and it will only be said that having become so is

 It is difficult rather than it puts many 1 etc. in the public lottery of summer jumbo jet continuously.

 There was still even no combination with the sperm and ovum then. Where was I?  Now, in this way, if the record in 1945 is read, it will serve as wonderful feeling and my heart will be filled with it.

 The Nobel Prize is awarded to Flemming who discovered the antibiotic in this year that meets so, and December, 1945. It is アレクザンダー Flemming who discovered the penicillin praised with that "medicine of a miracle."
 I have trouble with my child tuberculosis in fact at the time of an elementary school and a third grader. The life was saved by が and its penicillin. Probably, I was dead as it is, supposing there was no penicillin at that time. Till then, as an incurable illness, the illness of tuberculosis is feared all over the world, and had taken many men's life.

 .... If it considers like this, "I" who am here now then does not understand something anymore further.

 They are one more year and 11 months until I am born.

1945, two years before I was born

 If it is called 1945, it is the year from which the atom bomb was dropped to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

 As for men with a radius of less than 500m, according to record, 95% or more dies instantly in Hiroshima. The dead and a missing person are 250,000 persons. It is said that the mushroom cloud arrived even in height of no less than 17,000m after atom bomb dropping.

 August 6, this day, and Hiroshima are the weather which even a cloud does not have. What reason and the air-raid alarm currently taken out past and at once [ 8:00 a.m. and ] is called off. it was heard and people returned to usual morning work -- the atom bomb exploded then exactly 570m in the sky of Hosoe-cho (present Otemachi) in the city (explosion)

 It is an army colonel's ティベッツ to have commanded bombing. having carried in B29 and "エノラゲイ" -- an uranium bomb It is a bomb equivalent to 20,000t of TNT gunpowder.

 が and an army, i.e., the Imperial Headquarters, did not tell people about this fact. There is no tragedy beyond this for が and a Japanese. An atom bomb will be dropped shortly in Nagasaki on following the 9th continuing.

 Why was the atom bomb dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Was it dropped? If it was only display of might, even if it dropped nothing to Hiroshima or Nagasaki, there must also have been a method of for example making it explode by the peace on the ocean near Japan. The center of Tokyo Bay was sufficient. Even if that was not right, then, already, as for the inside of Japan, it is the carpet bombing by the U.S. Forces, and most had become the burned field.

 It was [ which cannot but do so ] reasonable even if it made it が and the United States (?).

 July 17 in front of going back atom bomb dropping of Hiroshima, and about 20 days. Three persons, Truman, Churchill, and Truman, are discussing processing in Potsdam after the war. Based on the contents of the Potsdam talk, so-called "Potsdam Proclamation" is made after it (July 26).

 The contents pressed Japan for unconditional surrender. が and the Japanese government announce this "ignores" (July 28).

 The following tragedy occurs here.

 In the meaning "they are not YES or NO, either", although the Japanese government used the word "disregard", this is English and he was translated as "IGNORE (disregard)." And only the language applied and traveled the inside of the world.

 If it is those who have studied a little English, it should turn out how the word "IGNORE" is severe. Also in an everyday conversation, if the word "IGNORE" comes out, the feeling of strain used as the pin will run. The shock merely given to a partner rather than "NO" only is strong. The word "IGNORE" is such a word.

 Then, the United States dropped the atom bomb to Hiroshima and Nagasaki according to Potsdam Proclamation and the 13th clause. It is in the 13 clause like this.

 Unless "Japan surrenders unconditionally, only quick and perfect annihilation ある is with ".

 Most, from it or before, since dropping of an atom bomb was prepared carefully, Potsdam Proclamation is also considered to have built the excuse of atom bomb dropping. However, as a flow, it was connected to ->(Potsdam Proclamation) (Japan ignores) -> (atom bomb dropping).

 And Japan looks at atom bomb dropping and accepts unconditional surrender to the Allies. It is a thing on August 15. It is a thing before bearing me (two years and two months).

 coming out -- after it and "-- bearing -- 難き -- bearing .... the Japan side follows [ the 玉音 broadcast (August 15 noon) by the Emperor well known for ", and MacArthur ] an instrument of surrender with a sign (September 2) on arrival (August 30) and U.S. Forces warship Missouri on the Atsugi base

 Meanwhile, although hardly known in Japan, the journalist from Australia who looked at the tragic state of Hiroshima is writing such a report to the daily express company in Britain ("the 20th century and front record").

 "In Hiroshima of 30 days after, a man dies still more and it dies. It dies depending on what thing no other way is but that to describe [ that it was unhurt ] of an atom bomb it is.

 (Aspect of Hiroshima) It seems that the steamy roller of 怪物 size goes past, and it erased and destroyed completely to broken pieces. .... I looked at the most fearful desolation that should shiver by this eye during [ for four years ] the war at the experimenting space of the beginning of this atom bomb.

 the battlefield of (if compared with this) Pacific Islands -- Eden -- a garden -- it is a thing

 From the moment that this desolation is brought, the survivor hated the white. The violence of the hatred is not inferior to boiling 原爆そ." (bar チェット journalist)

 The word "no-More ヒロシマ" was produced from his mouth.

 In this way, the history moves every moment. However, it brings me wonderful feeling simultaneously. It is the feeling to which the past approaches itself.

 I am born in two more years and two months. I am born in two more years and one month with .... However, I did not know such fact at all. It did not feel. Since it was not in mother's interior of the womb, either, in the time, I will say that it was "nothing."

 Present I am not me supposing the sperm which built "me" is not a sperm of "me." Present I am not me supposing the ovum which built "me" is not an ovum of "me." the present "I" is me -- 1/several 100 million -- the -- it is the probability of 1/several 100 million again, and it will only be said that having become so is

 It is difficult rather than it puts many 1 etc. in the public lottery of summer jumbo jet continuously.

 There was still even no combination with the sperm and ovum then. Where was I?  Now, in this way, if the record in 1945 is read, it will serve as wonderful feeling and my heart will be filled with it.

 The Nobel Prize is awarded to Flemming who discovered the antibiotic in this year that meets so, and December, 1945. It is アレクザンダー Flemming who discovered the penicillin praised with that "medicine of a miracle."
 I have trouble with my child tuberculosis in fact at the time of an elementary school and a third grader. The life was saved by が and its penicillin. Probably, I was dead as it is, supposing there was no penicillin at that time. Till then, as an incurable illness, the illness of tuberculosis is feared all over the world, and had taken many men's life.

 .... If it considers like this, "I" who am here now then does not understand something anymore further.

 They are one more year and 11 months until I am born.

Monday, September 18, 2006

*Loneliness is the greatest hunger




When Christ said: "I was hungry and you fed me," he didn't mean only the hunger for bread and for food; he also meant the hunger to be loved. Jesus himself experienced this loneliness. He came amongst his own and his own received him not, and it hurt him then and it has kept on hurting him. The same hunger, the same loneliness, the same having no one to be accepted by and to be loved and wanted by. Every human being in that case resembles Christ in his loneliness; and that is the hardest part, that's real hunger.  キリストが言った。「私は空腹だった。あなたが食事を与えてくれた」と。彼はただ食物としてのパンを求める空腹を意味したのではなかった。


 あのアリストテレスでさえ、「世界中のあらゆるものを手に入れたとしても、だれも、孤独(friendless condition)は選ばないだろう(No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world. )」と述べている。





Wednesday, September 13, 2006

●Hello, again!

Hello, my friends in US as well as in the world!

This is my good challenge that I have made up my mind to put my essays in English here-like in my own blog-site.

You are welcome to visit me anytime and please know a bit more about Japan and Education in Japan. I would like appreciating your interest in this site, hoping that we can exchange our opinions anytime as well.

It is really exciting to write things directly to the world-wide readers in this way.

Hiroshi Hayashi, Japan


Hello, my friends in US as well as in the world!

This is my good challenge that I have made up my mind to put my essays in English here-like in my own blog-site.

You are welcome to visit me anytime and please know a bit more about Japan and Education in Japan. I would like appreciating your interest in this site, hoping that we can exchange our opinions anytime as well.

It is really exciting to write things directly to the world-wide readers in this way.

Hiroshi Hayashi, Japan

This is my test-writing:
My essay is translated into English(?) with a help of a
translatoon software available through free-software agency.

So poor translation! Sorry!

I think I can provide you with more sophisticated translation in the
next mail. Thank you.

【 A foreigner's problem 】
To the outside of the ● window, ポイポイ and 吸 shell of the cigarette, ……!
Old Hamamatsu city (population of 600000 people, at present, for the merger
More, even only 800000 people), the foreign countries of about 30000 people
People live.
Though it lived somewhere diffidently in the beginning, now
It is wrong.
It says stately, or it comes to live by our thing face.
It came.
Be when it is running through the sidewalk by bicycle.
It met the car which threw each 3-6 吸 shells of the cigarette away together from the window of the car.
Moreover, that was reeled in every several seconds 【 whether to clean in the car 】, and it was being hatched.
A parallel parallel and a parallel parallel …….
I decided to be careful because it waited for the signal and caught up with that car.
It was the young woman sitting on the assistant seat that when it was seen, threw 吸 shell of the cigarette away.
It was a young man that was driving a car.
Tentatively, it was made to point at 吸 shell which had just been thrown away in that time under the window, and I called it like this with making a light smile.
With "Do you do this, and not poor?" "as for 吸 shell of the cigarette".
But, as for the young woman, reverse ギレ!
Suddenly, 「Mxxx, Yxxx and Dxxx!
It shouted at 」 and the word which meaning isn't understood about in a loud voice, and it was hatched.
Both a face and a figure were the foreigners who spoke a P word though it seemed to be a Japanese at all.
It is a beautiful face. Though ち was being done, as for the contents, please?
It is not the human being whom I deal with.
It is inevitable even if it is dealt with.
I ignored that place, and went a little to front.
It is that time at that time if I am run after and a quarrel is sold.
I was serious, too, and it shouted at me, and I was thought that I intended to hatch it.
The light of the day of white late summer was glaring in the eyes.
That car ran after me first, and it was pulled out when it went to the road because a signal turned blue.
Go, and be that rest.
う did soon of that car, and it is said that the person driving the car of ろ was anxious about that, too.
A street clung, and a horn was sounded little by little and twice.
When it was seen, a middle-aged married couple was waving his hand to me from the car.
It doesn't seem to be all bad world, people.
The person watching it is watching it neatly!
ワイフ said that ワイフ was taken like this about this story after it came back to the house though it went and it was a digression.
「 Such a company deals with it, and no good.
Because there is a person who does such a thing and who is killed, too, with ……」.
I "No, I am all right because I gave (a dull = curse) to those men."
Is ワ 「 dull?

So dull だよ of me 「.
A car is run into the electric pole, with dull だよ that it has big injury, ハハハ 」.
But, foreigners increased in this Hamamatsu City as well.
It passed 【 much 】.
And, it is taken, and a permanent side has been being the main stream before and nowadays though most was a working away from home side.
It is not so recently though a still diffident place for that was seen, too, when it is the minority.
It was said that it was 堂々する, or it was coming to do what was selfish by our thing face 【 it is fine 】.
It is in that あまる in the eyes.
It may come to happen even in this Hamamatsu City between the existing person (=, Japanese) and the introduction person (=, foreigner) soon in this.
It will stop that though it seems already to start something and friction here and there, at this rate it may be finished soon.
Incidentally, the number of foreigner registrants in Hamamatsu City is 30059 people.
About 3, 7% of the population.
The inside B country people are 17255 people (the present of 2005 years and July).
However this number is large in the city of the whole country.
【 補 notes 】
The rhythm of the life, a pattern are often wrong in the fundamental part.
Night Friday night 【 Saturday 】 sometimes holds a party in the vacant land.
That is continued at 2 o'clock of the midnight until 3 o'clock.
Moreover, it is calm, and a cancer cancer and music are played.
When it moves anywhere or when it comes back 【 (】?
It is calm, and fault big trash such as) and a bed is thrown away to the vacant land and so on.
The person left to the car is in the inside, too.
Such occurred even near my house.
Once, that owner (an owner on the register) answered "The car sold to some foreigners more in the front isn't known." though an owner had ever been checked after it was reported to the police.
If it is called it just in case and added, this excuse isn't used about the thing car.
Whomever it is sold to, it is decided that an owner on the register takes that responsibility.
It has even a feeling which became an apartment complex only for the foreigner nowadays though a municipal apartment complex (4 ridge and about 160 rooms) is near my house again.
A Japanese inhabitant ran away, and a foreigner had gone there freely.
Now, it is said whether it will become a zero soon about the Japanese inhabitant though it is said that it is the rate of 6 (foreigner) vs 4 (Japanese) still.
Even school seems to cause various troubles.
The day when it enters one day suddenly and which it has again transfers suddenly.
There is a principal of the elementary school which it complained "so that school order itself may be destroyed, 感ずる" to so that it can't take teacher's and one's parents' contact well, too.
It is said that the children of about half are in a state without insurance more according to the investigation of Hamamatsu City.
It is said that there are many children that it isn't received in the share that therefore a consultation in the medical institution and treatment じゅう it, too.
But, to be important is whether whether it catches the fact done like this as a minus factor, but whether it thinks that it is important "Well, what should I do?" in a positive light and whether it copes.
There is a place where it came to leave the interpretation (= entering school support staff) of the specialty which a P word is understood about by school to solve the problem for example done like this, too.
It is installed, and "カナリーニョ classroom" is said, and there are not a few schools which make a profit again 【 "the classroom of the word" 】 【 a bilingual classroom and so on to do a class in both of Japanese and the P word 】, either.
The reception of the foreigner worker is unavoidable so that Japan may survive in the international society.
There is a duty that the foreigner who did the shortage of the worker due to the decrease in birthrate like this makes up for it, too.
And, though it may be a developing country now, it is being expected specially to become an economic power together with China and India soon on the B country in South America.
Resources sleep inexhaustibly.
Feelings toward Japan aren't ill, either.
It is to cope with thinking about such and in other words thinking of a Japanese future, too.
A thing to grow 【 "Hamamatsu City ecumenopolis-ization vision" 】 is settled on, and for example "symbiosis, cooperation, connection", and so on with the foreigner are being sung in this Hamamatsu City.
Terms don't differ just like this, but it is the reason that they will be made to assimilate to the Japanese society well.
But, may I quicken that step a little more?
Is it only I of 感ずる as expected as if relations between the Japanese and the foreigner are ギクシャクする recently?


I am again trying this blog.
Can I? Or can't I?

Hello again!

I have been testng this new blog, which is really exciting!

I am writing in another language, Englishi.

This is my new challenge.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Hamamatsu-city, Japan

Hello, everyone! I am a new comer to this world, from Japan


I am so glad that I can be with you and I am writing in English to world-wide readers.

I am a new-comer!

Please let me introduce myself as follows;

I am a 58-year-old educaionist as well as an essayst. I have written dozens of books
in Japan and four of them were translated into English.

I hope more readers will read my essays in English, though I know my English ability is not
reachable to the standard.

But the sin is not in failing, but the sin is in not trying anything at all.

I shall try.

Hiroshi Hayashi, a good Japanese gentleman.